My wife and I fly out of Hong Kong on 6th August, Friday week. We arrive in London for a six-day stay on 7th and then leave London for Doha, Qatar on 13th August.
Pretty sure that we're not really going to have time to see everyone we want to. But we will be visiting blighty in January for a longer period so no doubt we'll be able to catch up with family and friends then. Doha is only a six hour flight away and there is only a three hour time difference so Skype calls, long weekend visits etc are going to be easier to organise.
Movers arrive Friday to pack and ship what seem to be mainly my books and the Mrs Wilson's shoes. Still loads to do in the approaching days.
We're both anxious and excited. I'm leaving after 18 years. The Missus after six.
My two daughters are now in Singapore with ..... their mother.
My daughters' mother and I have, what I hope is, a binding deal ratified in Singapore courts whereby the girls will continue to receive therapy. Despite a previous court order requiring plans for Singapore not to be discussed, their mother sold her house and shipped the furniture to her new husband's house in Singapore last April. This caused further stress for the girls. With the rationale that if their mother is happy then the girls are more likely to respond to therapy to deal with their alienation towards me, I managed to sit the woman down to come to quite a detailed agreement. To help ensure that this therapy is carried out I've agreed to coordinate and pay for the sessions while overseas.
When I'll see them again I don't know at this stage. Will I ever have a close relationship with them again? - unlikely while they are children. When they're adults? - possibly if the therapy is maintained. As yet the problems haven't directly impacted on the extended family and friends and I'm hoping that they will be more open to direct contact with anyone.
So a new chapter for all.
Long may the Hawaiian shirt be worn and if socks are require may they be short and orange.