As Orange Socks passed the helm to his Anglophile Ottoman friend, having set a course towards the beach and the huge setting crimson sun, Orange Socks had to pinch himself. Was he dreaming? No, awake living the dream. Three days before Christmas, and though the sea temperature had dropped to 18 degrees and the winds light, the Turk and he had taken out a 16-foot catamaran. The young, irritatingly young and competent, Scot instructor had shown them how to rig the Dart 16 as step two of their ten-hour dinghy sailing course. A fun afternoon. Winter on the Persian Gulf rarely varies from a balmy 24 degrees.
Christmas in the desert. An unofficial and unexpected three-day weekend for all those who believe. No ham Christmas eve, but turkey, lamb and plenty of bubbly with Mrs. Orange Socks and one or two other convenient believers over yuletide.
Recently Orange Socks had to drive to work through the desert, so omnipresent it’s a forgotten feature of the landscape. A policeman stopped him as he tried to pass what he thought was yet another ubiquitous accident. No. The policeman had stopped the traffic, five cars, to allow Arab Games cyclists to use the highway. Why the thirty or so cyclists needed all four lanes was unclear. After a half-hour wait scrutinizing the deep blue sky for the rare cloud and taking the opportunity to establish how many new low bushes had sprouted since the four-hour cloud burst two months prior, the now eight-car queue was allowed to proceed. Well almost. The slip road towards work was still blocked. Orange Socks and another trepid commuter decided to take the direct route to town. One advantage of a SUV over a much wanted V8 sports car.
Despite being witness to some crass driving stunts by ignoramus road users, no instances have involved Mr. and Mrs. Orange Socks. They have witnessed a couple too many fatal accidents though. New wrecks on the roadside are seen daily. Another potential advantage of a SUV over a V8 is when a camel rider hits the Orange Socks, less damage is likely.
Your desert dwellers have settled in well. Villa fully furnished. Bar constantly well stocked. Smoking not allowed in the games room nor library, but guests can smoke on the front patio. Frequent visitors sample Mrs. Orange Socks extensive, and extending, repertoire of exceedingly fine cuisine. Water’s cooled so crab back in season. The Missus insists on being at the quay soon after sunrise to grab the best of the catch of the day from fisherman.
An interesting time to be in the Gulf. Orange Socks’s punters hail from all parts of the Arab speaking world. Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, as well as a few from the Balkans, Turkey and Africa. This United Nations feel extends to the staff room.
All this vainly attempts to distract Orange Socks from the fact that he’s heard nothing from his daughters. Despite writing weekly and occasionally emailing the mother. Real news is only heard from their teachers. All court orders are ignored.
The Orange Socks took a fact finding tour of Bali in August. More than likely end up there. An Italian tour coming February. Perhaps Blighty again soon and Hong Kong in the late summer. Other than that for the coming year it’s sailing twice a week and golf weekly. And (a) little work.
Orange Socks is typing this on a wireless keyboard while sitting on the sofa, using the TV (42") as a monitor. Real cool. Also listening to BBC Radio 2 through the computer. Play station or X Box next. Wii.
Both are settling into the Land of the Sand. Especially enjoying Fridays as a bit of a lie in is often had. Work is pretty good too. A structured and professional place where colleagues on the most part are conscientious. The teaching schedule is the most structured ever experienced.
The Missus is enjoying entertaining new friends. Learning a new language and keeping Orange Socks in the life he will become accustomed to.
Now armed with a liquor licence, cases of beer, spirits and a little wine are now stowed in Orange Socks and Missus’s temporary fully furnished semi-serviced apartment in a village called Simaisma while they wait for the right villa to be available. Nothing but the best for the Missus. Four bath tubs await them. Along with bar and pool (table variety) room as well as outhouse for Orange Socks's more deviant moments. With the recently established liquor stock, Orange Socks plans to reestablish his consumption threshold which has been severely dented due to a significant lack of opportunity. That is - he can’t take it like he used to.
The Suzuki Grand Vitara is still running very smoothly. Just a 20-minute run into work with very little traffic to speak of. No stress to or from work. Planned is the purchase of a V8; a Mustang, Charger R/T or Corvette in December once Missus is used to her independence on the roads. And Orange socks has sussed where all the radars are. At six quid a tank of fuel and lovely straight, well kept roads, the opportunity to satisfy a middle aged whim is too good to pass.
A trip to England is planned for November to catch up with family, fish for trout and shop for more shoes.
In January a visit to Thailand and possibly Vietnam. Your Sand Dwellers are due to arrive Hong Kong on 21st January. They never thought they'd be looking forward to a bit of cloud and rain.
A month without seeing a cloud. A month without rain. A month of no deadline being met by anyone. A month without foam topped nectar nor fermented grape nor distilled grain. As the month of Ramadan ends. Still no cloud nor rain. Few deadlines being met either. And alas little affordable foamed nectar or fermented grape come to that as Orange Socks still needs a liquor licence. Excuses for delays; ‘Sorry, it’s Ramadan’ is simply replaced with promises of ‘things’ will return to normal after Eid. Eid being the ten-day holiday after Ramadan. New to the Middle East, Orange Socks and Missus are left wondering; what is normal?
Orange Socks and Missus are now in procession of their residency permits aka ID cards. Getting them has been a long grueling process. The process involved the Ministry of Interior establishing that Orange Socks and Missus had no undesirable disease nor criminal record. They then recorded their blood type as being, not surprisingly A+. All this took a long time. Long even by Qataris standards. Other new faculties’ details were being processed faster than Orange Socks and Missus. It transpired that Orange Socks and Missus’ medical results had been kept on the bottom of some clerk’s in-tray at the Ministry. Subsequent daily cohorts were added to the pile and processed before the previous day’s cohort. This was not that surprising given that some new recruits had the wrong name on their medical cards or the correct name but the wrong photo. The Ministry managed to lose one of the new faculties blood sample. Other delays frequently resulted due to the ‘system being down. Seasoned ex-pats soon learn that this invariably means that the operator of the system has more than likely gone home. This often also occurs while trying to conduct banking transactions whether at a branch, ATM or online.
With an ID card it becomes possible to rent a villa, get internet connection, obtain credit cards (despite being told that one would be issued in the second week) and an interest free car loan from the University. And more importantly a liquor licence. Obtaining this licence was thwarted before Eid as a salary statement from the University was needed, which naturally will only be available after Eid. ‘After Eid’ of course being anytime in the future.
Towards the end of August Orange Socks and partner found a five-ensuite bedroom villa with a sixth bathroom, laundry room, lounge, dining room, bar area and large kitchen plus reasonably sized garden front and back; and roof patio; a five minute walk to the beach and only a twenty drive to work. All that was needed were air-conditioners. All this in a small village called Simaisma (various spellings found). This turned out to be too good to be true.
Apparently, an Arab considers it impolite to say no or refuse someone something. This can be confusing for the Westerner and/or a lot of wasted time as a ‘no’ will be expressed as ‘come back tomorrow’ or ‘after Ramadan’ or ‘Eid’ or in some cases ‘the system is down’. Sometimes one might be referred to some else who happens to be away that day.
After having the two or three obligatory ‘getting to know you’ coffee meetings with the future landlord and giving him copies of ID card, marriage certificate – it’s illegal for unmarried people to live together in Qatar – a salary statement from the employer and twelve post-dated cheques. A date was fixed to visit the regional municipal office to register the agreement. Two days before the prearranged date the landlord calls a meeting where he says he could not have the villa ready in time so he needs to return all the documents and cheques. Inshalla (God willing) it would be ready after Eid. It is after Eid and no contact has been made since. Though there seem to be many villas available and quite a few being built. Disappointingly it looks as if the Missus and Orange Socks face staying in the university compound a little longer. Whatever a little longer may mean.